Hands Up Foundation is now Action Syria

Rana’s Story

49% of girls (11yrs +) are involved in child labour, and 83% of children (11yrs +) living in North-West Syria’s widow camps are in desperate need of safe spaces and protection[1]. It is the lives of these children, and their parents, that our widow camp project, with our partner Maram Foundation, aims to improve.

At only ten years old, Rana (name changed for protection purposes) has been displaced for more than five years as a result of the conflict in Syria. Since, she has not been able to attend school; her family cannot afford it. Ashamed of her appearance, with her tattered and frayed clothes, she isolated herself from children her own age, fearing bullying and judgement.

The Maram case worker guided Rana towards the case management services, gaining approval from her caregiver and developing an action plan to help. This plan included parenting skills group sessions for her caregiver, psychological support sessions to improve Rana’s self confidence, and family awareness sessions to raise awareness of the importance of education.

Following this, Rana was referred to the Sham Humanitarian Foundation to provide the stationery she would need for school, as well as directly supporting the cost of tuition.

We are delighted that Rana is now doing well, is much happier, and the support she is given by her family has much improved.

If you can, please donate now to help us continue providing vital support to vulnerable Syrian communities. Thank you.

[1] https://www.wvi.org/sites/default/files/2022-04/WVSR%202022%20report_%20widow%20camps%20_%20FINAL16April%202022_0.pdf

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